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Endust Multi-Surface Dusting Spray - 12.5 oz (6)

Item #: 125415UPC #: 258

Endust Multi-Surface Dusting Spray - 12.5 oz (6)  125415
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About this item

  • Designed to turn your cloth into a dust magnet, locking dust, dirt and allergens to it so that all of the dust is removed and nothing ends up in the air
  • This dusting and cleaning spray picks up and holds dust, while also eliminating allergens, fingerprints, smears and smudges. Easy to use aerosol.
  • Leaves natural shine.
  • Works just about anywhere dust collects, including furniture, cabinets, countertops and paneling
  • Does not leave any residue or build-up
  • 12.5 oz., Lemon Zest, 6 per case

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