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Ripsaw Hd, #12 Rotating Nozzle

Item #: HVA255200-12HDUPC #: 1002719-120

Ripsaw Hd, #12 Rotating Nozzle Hydra-Flex, Inc. HVA255200-12HD
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About this item

Dig Faster. Save Water.

The Ripsaw Rotating Turbo nozzle is specifically designed and engineered for the rugged Hydro-Excavation industry. It’s cone shaped flow pattern is ideal for potholing applications.

  • Performance – The Ripsaw blasts a 0-degree straight water stream at up to 3200 PSI while rotating at an optimal speed to provide an 18-degree cone of coverage. The cone-shaped flow pattern is ideally suited for potholing applications.
  • Durability – These heavy-duty, high impact nozzles are constructed with stainless steel housing and tungsten carbide wear surfaces to withstand harsh environments and provide longer life than ceramic nozzles. Repair kits are also available for extended life and lower operating costs.
  • Safety – Non-conductive urethane coating on the nozzle body protects users and sensitive underground utilities. Select from the traditional coating or upgrade to the new heavy-duty coating – a special formulation designed for use in extreme environments including frost, shale, and other rocky conditions.
  • Efficiency– Greater impingement allows you to complete jobs faster or use a smaller nozzle size while getting the same impact as nozzles with higher GPM flow rates.

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Hydra-Flex, Inc.
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