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Sterilex Ultra Step Sanitizing Powder - 100 lbs.

Item #: U33501UPC #: U33501

Sterilex Ultra Step Sanitizing Powder - 100 lbs.  U33501
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About this item

Designed specifically for low-moisture environments, Sterilex Ultra Step is an EPA-registered sanitizer approved to kill food pathogens such as Listeria, Escherichia coli (E. coli), and Salmonella on the floor. Sterilex Ultra Step is customized to address sanitation challenges for which routine dry cleaners and unregistered powder products (such as peroxide and dried bleach) are ineffective.

Sterilex Ultra Step is based on a proprietary PerQuat® chemistry, the only chemistry with products approved to remove biofilm on both public health and industrial surfaces. It consists of small blue granules, which not only help to prevent slippage but are also able to fill in small, hard-to-reach areas. Plus, it lasts longer than many competitive products and, in general, can be used at a much lower rate than traditional floor treatments.

Suggested Use Applications

  • Food Processing Industries
  • Entryway control/Foot mats
  • Plant floors (good for cracked/poor floors)
  • Low-moisture processing areas (no additional water needed)
  • Warehouses
  • Trash areas
  • Construction project barriers

Material Compatibility

Material Compatibility
304 Stainless Compatible
316 Stainless Compatible
Galvanized Compatible
Brass - Severe oxidation Not-Compatible
Aluminum 6061 Compatible
Aluminum 7075 Compatible
Mild/Cold-rolled Steel A366 - Severe oxidation Not-Compatible
Cast Iron - Can cause rusting Not-Compatible
Dairy Brick Compatible
Flowcrete (Flowfresh HF) Compatible
Flowcrete (Flowfresh SL) Compatible
Epoxy-coated concrete block Compatible
Acrylic-coated concrete block Compatible
Sealed concrete block Compatible
Ceramic tile Compatible
Vinyl tile - Tacky feel - Light color stains Not-Compatible

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this product require water to activate?

Sterilex Ultra Step requires moisture to become active, but this does not have to come from added water. Generally, if there is enough active moisture in an environment to have microbial concerns, there is enough moisture to activate Sterilex Ultra Step to kill those organisms.

Will this product impact my wastewater?

In almost all cases no. However, because Quaternary Ammonium is one of the active ingredients in Sterilex Ultra Step, there is potential for adverse downstream effects. When the amount to cause damage is calculated, it typically vastly exceeds the Sterilex Ultra Step quantity on site so there is no real risk of negative impacts. Please reach out to your Sterilex representative with any questions about wastewater systems and Sterilex products.

How often should I apply Sterilex Ultra Step?

Most facilities re-apply daily but depending on the amount of foot traffic through an area this amount can vary. Some facilities may need to reapply Sterilex Ultra Step up to once per shift to ensure all footwear is properly covered.

Product specifications

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